(Just Older Youth - Ages 50 & Up)
This Saturday, December 14th
BEGINNING at 5:00 p.m. or whenever you can arrive

PLACE - Church Youth Building

FOOD- Soup Supper with Chili by Belinda, Beef Vegetable by Donnell, Oyster Soup by Kathie, Clam Chowder by Don and Chicken Enchilada by Carla.

Please bring Sandwiches or a Dessert to share.

FUN GIFT EXCHANGE - Don't spend any extra money on a gift! Bring "something" from your home that you would like to give to "someone" else. Wrap or bag it up but don't put your name on it. We will have a unique and fun way of exchanging gifts.

Don't miss this, it is a blast! COME and share the evening with us!